Thursday, November 28, 2019

Quotation About Best Practice In Supervision Social Work Essay Essay Example

Quotation About Best Practice In Supervision Social Work Essay Essay Koster ( 2003 ) stated that supervising leads to a mental and emotional instruction that can steer practical work, frees fixed forms of experience and behavior and promotes the willingness every bit good as the ability to move appropriately, carefully and bravely ( p1 ) . This essay will research Koster s citation about best pattern in supervising, in relation to supervising in the country of reding. This essay will besides place the benefits and troubles of supervising, in respects to reding, that can originate in supervising. Examples from a personal position will be presented on how supervising throughout work experience enabled hard state of affairss to be handled. Furthermore, an analysis of how effectively supervising was conducted throughout work experience, every bit good as personal suggestions on betterments of supervising in that work scene. 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Supervision in guidance is really critical as it aims to increase self-awareness and enhances professional competency which will steer the supervisee throughout their work in a confident mode ( Pelling, Bowers A ; Armstrong, 2007 ) , which is similar to what Koster is seeking to province. The end of supervising is chiefly about the supervisee s developmental growing and professional consciousness ( Pelling, Bowers A ; Armstrong, 2007 ) . Which once more leads back to Koster s quotation mark about how supervision leads to development ; and that development of experience will steer the supervisee throughout their work in reding. Thorough supervising, the supervisee will turn, reflect and develop in their professional and personal accomplishments. It is through these developments that will change their behavior that will finally steer them through their work to move in a suited, careful and bravely ; throughout their calling in reding. Which in return, is critical for a counselor as his or her mental and emotional instruction demands to continually develop, and this can be accelerated through supervising. It can be said that a figure of persons and administrations can profit from quality clinical supervising. Quality supervising is about doing certain the client is non being harmed and is being assisted to carry through established ends in aptly appropriate ways, the receiving system of reding services is the first to profit ( Page A ; Wosket, 1994 ) . The bulk of the conversation in supervisory Sessionss Centres on intercessions being used for the client and progress to how the supervisee is stressed with assorted parts of the instance. While the supervisor is interacting, clear uping, explicating, educating, back uping and coming up with helpful professional intercessions, another individual is profiting from this piece interacting back to their supervisor the supervisee. As Pelling, Bowers, and Armstrong ( 2007 ) suggests: This is where the supervisee s range of pattern, expertness and penetration is being deliberately and incrementally expanded. Prosecuting supervisors in the battle for apprehension is valuable for deep acquisition to happen. In this sense it is the clinical stuff that is the instructor, non merely the supervisor themselves. Supervision can insulate the supervisee from work-related emphasis, diversely referred as burn-out. ( p. 126 ) In add-on, if the supervisee is an learner from an educational constitution, the administration itself benefits with the development of a more adept and safe practician ( Pelling, Bowers A ; Armstrong, 2007 ) . This gives the administration an first-class repute for back uping and suitably developing the people in their charge in a professional mode, hence supervising being provided by the administration benefits the administration with a good positive professional repute. Last of all, the clinical supervisor additions a great trade from offering supervising. While they support the supervisees, their apprehension of clinical work, cognition, experience, the universe and themselves develops a great trade and the sense of fulfillment of being linear to so many is so rewarding and satisfying ( Pelling, Bowers A ; Armstrong, 2007 ) . Supervision can be a valuable constructive acquisition tool, but at times troubles in supervising can do it a negative experience. Moskowitz and Rupert ( 1983 ) found in their research, within USA, that supervisees reported that 38 % of those surveyed claimed that there had been troubles and struggle in their supervising that interfered with their acquisition. Their research further found that there are three major countries of troubles and struggle that arise in supervising: theoretical orientation, manner of supervising and personality issues ( Moskowitz A ; Rupert, 1983 ) . Differences in theoretical orientation may take to troubles and struggle in supervising ( Carroll A ; Gilbert, 2006 ) . In assorted administrations, supervisees may non hold a pick of a supervisor and may possibly stop up acquiring supervised by person who has a different theoretical to their ain. For illustration, a supervisor may be convinced of the rightness of their orientation and is non ready to accept intervention that arise from a different school of psychological science. These differences in theoretical orientation are a common job in supervising and it may take to rifts between the supervisor and supervisee, hence neglecting to negociate differences of this sort ( Holloway, 1995 ) . Second, troubles and struggles may originate in supervising when it comes to the manner of supervising. Some supervisors have a formal manner whilst others have an informal manner of attack ( Carroll A ; Gilbert, 2006 ) . There are four unsatisfactory manners of supervising that cause struggles and troubles: constricting supervising ; formless supervising ; unsupportive supervising ; and therapeutic supervising ( Abott, 1984 ) . In the constructive type, there is limited liberty. In the formless type, there is really small supervisory part and the supervisor may hold a slightly laissez faire mentality to the full procedure, where whatever happens goes . Unsupportive supervisors are unfriendly and distant and supervisees would non willingly near them with their troubles. Curative supervising transforms the supervisee into a patient while the supervisor takes on the place of the therapist frequently in a persistent and pushful mode that infantilizes the supervisee ( Carroll A ; Gilbert, 2006 ) . The last manner of supervising that causes struggle and troubles is known as personality issues. This is when there is a personality clang between the supervisor and supervisee which can ensue to a rupture in the supervisory confederation ( Carroll A ; Gilbert, 2006 ) . These ruptures are frequently caused by confusion in communicating, for illustration the supervisor may misinterpret something the supervisee has said in a negative manner. Furthermore, the ecstasy may be merely be caused by the supervisees ain defensiveness. An illustration would be that the supervisee may move defensively when the supervisor gives feedback, hence doing a strain in the supervising relationship. Supervision is a valuable tool for a supervisee when they are holding trouble covering with their client in an effectual professional mode. Whatever the job is, in respects to the wellbeing of the client, the supervisee can discourse these issues throughout supervising in order to bring out helpful intercessions in covering with the affair ( Wosket, 1999 ) . An illustration from work experience in which supervising enabled to cover efficaciously with a hard state of affairs, is when there was a client who brought up an issue that was hard to manage. The ground the issue was hard to manage is because there was limited cognition in that country and there was no assurance in covering with the affair. So in order to cover with this quandary, it was brought up to the attending to the supervisor throughout the supervising session. Throughout the supervising session the supervisor, listened to the quandary and asked exploratory inquiries, made encouraging statements and shared self- revelation. She besides in return, working the supervisee, came up with intercessions to set together in order for the supervisee to manage the fighting instance. The supervisor clarified the job to the supervisee and explored possible accounts and intercessions for the supervisee to see. The supervisee filled in the spreads of the cognition and asked the supervisee to reflect and research options on how he will set the explored intercessions in to action. The supervisor besides used modeling and role-plays to demo the supervisee on how they might be able to help their client. So through supervising, the supervisor s challenges and confrontations facilitated the supervisee s critical contemplation and acquisition, hence this gave assurance to the supervisee to manage and cover with their hard state of affairs. A concise dislocation will presently be offered on how efficiently supervising was carried right through work experience. Supervision was conducted efficaciously because the supervisor followed a important procedure in order for supervising to map at its best. The initial supervising session is when the supervisor clarified what the supervisee has done in the yesteryear in respects to pattern and supervising, and asks where they would wish aid. When it came to the day-to-day supervising Sessionss, it was noted at times that the supervisor would follow a procedure right from get downing to stop. When the supervisee had an issue, it would be looked exhaustively. Issues discussed in supervising included: intercession schemes and future programs ; counsellor professional development ; supervisee client confederation and boundaries ; client issues and end scene ; supervisor supervisee relationship ; ethical and legal issues ; and so on. Once the issue were discussed, the supervisor would inquire a series of structured inquiries in order to derive elucidation, every bit good as leting the supervisee to reflect and offload. Such helpful inquiries included: What are you experiencing and positions about the issue? ; Where do you experience most confused? ; what sort of aid would you like? ; and what are the key inside informations I need to cognize about the instance? . Furthermore, during supervising the supervisor and supervisee took notes during Sessionss to hold an on-going record of programs, subjects, battles, clients discussed, larning and advancement. Once the issue was discussed and the supervisor asked her inquiries, the supervisor would so promote the supervisee to: understand the job ; happen links among the information ; develop a intervention program to set into pattern ; and make a on the job proposition ( Carroll A ; Gilbert, 2006 ) . Towards the terminal of every supervising session, the supervisor would give provender back every bit good as ask for verbal feedback back from the supervisee. The supervisor would inquire something every bit simple as How was our session for you today? or Was this session valuable or unbeneficial to you today? Summarizing up, supervising was conducted efficaciously because the supervisor followed a valuable procedure throughout the Sessionss. Apart from following an effectual procedure, the supervisor herself was encouraging, respectful, echt, empathic, and self-disclosed, which as a consequence added further to the effectivity of supervising. From personal experience, the supervising that took topographic point during work arrangement can non be faulted. However, there is deficiency of cognition of how the other supervisors function in their function, as during arrangement merely one supervisor was given to work closely with. Concentrating strictly on the supervisor provided with, her name being Amy, she was nil but professional, educated and friendly. One could propose that Amy is the ideal supervisor as throughout work arrangement she ever showed regard, genuineness, empathy and was ever encouraging. She was besides concrete and showed a great trade self-disclosure throughout supervising. As stated, Amy would be the ideal supervisor as her supervising qualities match what Carifo and Hess found in their research in what makes an ideal supervisor. Carifo and Hess ( 1987 ) found that the ideal supervisor is a individual who shows regard, empathy, genuineness, concreteness and self-disclosure in his or her traffics with su pervisees ( p.247 ) . So as one can see, supervising can non be faulted as it was nil other but a positive acquisition experience, with the aid of a true professional supervisor who knew how to work in her function. Therefore, it is excessively complex to come up with suggestions for betterments for supervising in the work scene because it merely worked to good in order to propose any alterations. Supervision may hold its benefits and troubles, but it is those experiences a supervisee needs to see in order to develop their mental and emotional experience. It is these developments and experiences that allow the person to be able to larn and manage future challenges in their country of reding. With the right supervisor, every bit good as holding regular supervising Sessionss that are conducted efficaciously, it will accordingly transform the supervisee into a stronger counselor who is willing to larn, act appropriately, carefully and bravely ; throughout their guidance calling.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Executioners Song essays

The Executioner's Song essays Anger is a very powerful emotion. Anger generates hostility and a loss of control. It can tear into a persons heart and ruin them. We see this in Norman Mailers book The Executioners Song. The main character, Gary Gilmore, demonstrates so much anger that his blind rage leads to murder. There are many sources of anger that lead Gary to commit the violent murders that he has. We see that Gary has a lot of pent up anger in him. This is shown in a number of instances. When Gary Gilmore was first put in jail he was 22 years old. As we hear through his depiction of prison life he spent a lot of time in solitary confinement and enjoyed telling people of his hard-core criminal ways. He stabbed a man 57 times for no reason at all. While in jail, Gary is placed in solitary confinement for four years of his sentence because he is unable to have normal relations with other convicts. This is not the behavior that a normal person exhibits. Gary also seems to be uncontrollable. He is proud of the fact that he had stolen. By the time he was 14, Gilmore said, hed broken into 50 houses. Maybe more. (354) Gilmore also states that he stole from stores, such as J.C. Penneys. He boasts about this to his cellmate Gibbs. He also picked fights frequently and fought very unfairly. In a rage Gary attacked Pete for making an accusation about Gary trying to get into a young girls pants. Pete was slammed on the neck from behind, by Gary. (124) Vern, Garys uncle who witnessed the fight, then questioned Garys manhood and integrity. Another uncontrollable urge that Gary had was the desire to rape females. He tried to convince Rikki, a friend of his, to partake in this action. Besides not being able to control his sexual desires he was also abusive towards women when he became the slightest bit upset. Gary finally wedged her [Nicole] ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business Ethics, Governance and Social Responsibility Assignment - 1

Business Ethics, Governance and Social Responsibility - Assignment Example 36). Moreover, corporate social responsibility has over the decades become a prominent cornerstone for most institutions of the world (Valenti et al., 2014, p. 1). Corporate social responsibility has recently been viewed as one of the fundamental practices that have contributed to the success of most organizations of the world (Lindgreen et al., 2009, p.14). Different scholars have argued that there is no single organization that can achieve its goals and objectives without practicing proper business ethics, proper corporate governance and properly implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR). Further, it is through corporate governance that proper business ethics and corporate social responsibilities are implemented in a company. Over the decades, Boeing has grown to be one of the largest automobile manufacturers of the world. It has also grown to be one of the best companies globally. The company has provided employment for more than one hundred and sixty eight thousand four hundred American citizens. The company has a good track of corporate governance and leadership since it was founded in 1916. Recently, Boeing Company won an award in 2012 following its continued interest in building better communities of the world. Nevertheless, one of the core values of Boeing Company is to do business with the highest possible ethical standards while at the same time honoring all of its commitments to its shareholders. Boeing management is mandated to treat all of its customers with fairness, trust and respect. Not long ago, Boeing was forced to fire two of its executive officers when the company was found in possession of documents that belonged to one of its competitors and were to be used in favor of winning a contract from the government. The two employees strongly violated the company’s code of conduct and this highly damaged the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Proposal for martin college Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Proposal for martin college - Essay Example Film and TV is a field that is full of entertainment. It consists of music, drama and films of course. The foundation may prove to be useful for students who possess strong acting or singing skills. This course is purely based on arts and it may also provide opportunities of recreational activities for the students. Main objectives. The prime objective of this proposal is to create an environment that promotes the talent of different countries and to interest those who are attracted to the film world. This course may also release some of the academic pressure from the students as they can come and relax themselves by singing or doing a little drama. This course may also polish the talent of those students who are already in this field and also want to opt for it as their career. Another major objective is to encourage those international students, especially from Asia and Singapore, who are reluctant because they are not able to find a right course for them. The proposal will also cr eate job opportunities, local or international, which is a good indicator. This course is purely based on arts and it may also provide opportunities of recreational activities for the students. Benefits.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Rule of Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Rule of Law - Essay Example This, however, is by no means of recent vintage. In fact, the Rule of Law has a long, rich and colorful history. Joseph Raz, one of the foremost legal thinkers of his time and a firm proponent of the Rule of Law in his seminal work "The Rule of Law and its Virtue" in 1977, may trace the roots of his theory to generations upon generations of legal thinkers, all of whom have made unique contributions to the principle of the Rule of Law. Principles of justice and ethics and virtue underlie much of the discussion on the Rule of Law. Illustrative of the wide range of ideas covering these principles is Plato and Machiavelli, albeit of different times. Platonic philosophy is hinged on moral virtue as practiced by just rulers. Man served the State and hence, ethics and politics were the same. This is to be contradistinguished with Machiavellian principles, which states that the State should serve the people. That is its whole reason for being. Under Machiavelli's concept, a ruler is justified in doing whatever needs to be done to maintain the country, even if his actions may be deemed unjust. " This is a complete opposite of the Platonic model which argues that a ruler may never be unjust. It is immoral and unethical, maintains Plato, for a ruler to rule solely by might. On his part, the great thinker Cicero maintains that there was no distinction between that which was morally good and what was useful to man. To quote f rom Cicero, "Virtue is a habit of the mind, consistent with nature and moderation and reason." [Rhetorical Invention (bk. II, sc. LIII)] Much of this has been influenced by Platonic philosophy which is hinged on moral virtue as practiced by just rulers. As such, the concept of government and duty has underlain much of ancient law and has aided the people of the time in charting their destiny Indeed, the broadest theme in the current conception of the rule of law is that the government restricted by law. This is consistent with the idea of the Rule of Law propounded by A.V. Dicey in his book "Introduction to the Study of Law of the Constitution" (1885). Dicey posited the following propositions. Firstly, no man could be punished or lawfully interfered with by the authorities except for breaches of law. In other words, all government actions must be authorised by law. Secondly, no man is above the law and everyone, regardless of rank, is subject to the ordinary laws of the land. Thirdly, there is no need for a bill of rights because the general principle of the constitution is the result of judicial decisions determining the rights of the private person. Joseph Raz, on the other hand, espouses eight guiding principles for the rule of law. 1. All laws should be prospective, open and clear; 2. Laws should be relatively stable; 3. The making of particular laws must be guided by open, stable, clear and general rules; 4. The independence of the judiciary must be guaranteed; 5. The principles of natural justice must be observed; 6. The courts should have review powers; 7. The courts should be easily accessible; and 8. The discretion of crime prevention agencies should not be allowed to pervert the law. Indeed, there is much that should be lauded with Raz' principles of the law inasmuch as

Friday, November 15, 2019

A Comparative Study of Consumer Behaviour

A Comparative Study of Consumer Behaviour ABSTRACT: Consumer Behavior is an aspect that is given a lot of importance in the globe of marketing. A lot of products have been a sensation or a breakdown due to inappropriate analysis of consumer behaviour and motivation. Food is a basic requirement for all livelihoods and everybody who earns spends money on food without any second thought. To live we need to eat and therefore food is tremendously important in all our lives. Todays consumers are becoming increasingly displeased with GM (Genetically Modified) and conventional fruits and vegetables and therefore are stirring towards organic fruits and vegetables. Many consumers are going organic not only in the case of fruits and vegetables but also regarding skincare, beauty products, paper and also clothing! Organic fruits and vegetables are not only said to be healthier due to ethical ways of production which do not use man-made chemicals and unnecessary preservatives as opposed to conventional food. It is also said to be eco-friendly beca use of environment cognizant methods which are used for the production of organic food. The advantages of organic fruits and vegetables are more whereas the disadvantages (such as price premium) are negligible when compared to its better side. Regular buyers of organic fruits and vegetables are willing to overlook these minor disadvantages which are negligible when compared to its disadvantages. In this research work, the consumer behaviour in the United Kingdom regarding organic fruits and vegetables is studied and compared with that in India. The factors (such as consumer expectations, beliefs, criteria, concerns, quality, awareness etc) that affect marketing of organic fruits and vegetables in UK and India are also studied with relevance to consumer behaviour. INTRODUCTION: Background This research work revolves around the consumer behaviour and attitudes towards organic fruits and vegetables in the United Kingdom and in India. A brief introduction will be given on consumer behavior and how important it is in the field of marketing. Secondly, a deeper understanding of the term organic will be given. Many theories and aspects related to organic fruits and vegetables will be discussed and reviewed as well in this dissertation. A number of consumers of organic and conventional food are consulted to get their views and opinions about organic fruits and vegetables. Not everyones attitudes towards organic fruits and vegetables seem to be the same, therefore the application of certain statistics methods help us in further understanding the relation and patterns in the consumer behavior patterns and trends in organic fruits and vegetables in the two countries. This study helps understand how the consumers in UK and in India differ from each other and also help understand the ways they are similar in. On the whole, the differences and similarities between the consumers of organic fruits and vegetables in the two countries are studied. To get this information, many respondents were asked to answer questionnaires regarding this topic and these answers were analysed using statistics. In the end these are discussed and limitations and conclusions are given and suggested. Research Questions: How does the consumer behavior towards organic fruits and vegetables vary between India and UK? In what ways do consumers in the two countries expect the food to be different from convenience foods? What are the popular beliefs among consumers about organic fruits and vegetables? When will India accept organic fruits and vegetables widely, the way UK has? What makes organic fruits and vegetables to be preferred more than convenience fruits and vegetables? Why is there a variance between the preference rate and sales of organic fruits and vegetables in both India and UK? What are the factors owing to this? General Aim The aim of this study is to find the consumer behavior and attitudes towards consumption of organic fruits and vegetables in the UK and India. The elements and factors (health factors, eco-friendliness, ethics, taste, quality, safety standards etc) influencing the consumers decision making are also studied. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: Introduction This section talks about the methodology used for this piece of research work. Methodologies vary from research work to work due to the difference in subjects, areas and study view. What methodology is used for one research purpose may not be suitable or applicable to another. Sometimes it might not be possible for a researcher to sit and observe all that he is researching. To collect primary data for this research study, survey research approach has been used. The non probability convenience sampling method has been used for this research primary data collection method. Therefore, the method of preparing a set of questions and selecting a group of people to get to answer them and studying these answers based on an already set theory or patterns, is common and a lot many researchers today are using this form of methodology. Application of statistics to these answers helps analyze and understand the trends, patterns and fashion that the study has proved using this method. â€Å"Potte r (1996, 2002) has roundly criticized researchers who use his own approach (discourse analysis) for depending too much on interview data and has argued for a greater use of naturally occurring data.† This section deals with the methodology used for this study and the course of action taken to complete the research study for the purpose of this dissertation. Purpose of this Research The obvious purpose of this research is to study the consumer behavior towards organic fruits and vegetables in India and in United Kingdom and to compare the two. While conducting the study, the marketing flaws and strengths of it, customers attitudes towards organic fruits and vegetables in the two countries will be studied. The attitudes of customers towards organic fruits and vegetables will be studied and explored. It is important to identify the determinants of the success and failure of organic fruits and vegetables industry in India and the United Kingdom. The consumers of organic fruits and vegetables in India and the United Kingdom might differ a lot in their way of behavior as considered in the marketing field and their attitudes towards it might not be the same or might be the same. This research will help in understanding the consumer behavior towards organic fruits and vegetables in the two countries by conducting a comparative study of the consumer behaviors from the t wo countries. Research Questions How do the attitudes of Indian consumers differ from that of the British with respect to organic fruits and vegetables? The above given question is the main aim and the biggest question for this study and research work. There are of course many sub questions as well which will also be researched in the course of this study. The question speaks about finding out the attitude differences in the two countrys consumer behaviour but the study might also prove the similarities in the two countrys consumer behaviour patterns towards organic fruits and vegetables. Instrument This research work is conducted on a survey of consumers and non-consumers of organic fruits and vegetables in India and in the United Kingdom. The study (survey) questionnaire was distributed to customers of local supermarkets which sell both organic and conventional fruits and vegetables in India (Chennai and Delhi) and in the United Kingdom (London and Birmingham). The questionnaire included a brief note about the study being conducted and a variety of questions regarding the area of research. The questionnaire included a brief note about the study being conducted and a variety of questions regarding the area of research. The questionnaires were handed out in person by the student conducting the study and her friends outside supermarkets selling organic fruits and vegetables in India and in the United Kingdom. The questionnaire had 15 questions which took not more than 5 minutes to answer. Most respondents were happy to help out and were interested in the subject of organic food. Population The questionnaires were distributed in person to organic food consumers and non-consumers. It took a period of over (18 days in India to get respondents to answer the questionnaires and 22 days in the United Kingdom to get the respondents to answer the questionnaires related to organic fruits and vegetables). Sample While conducting a research study, it is not possible to take into consideration the whole population. For example when studying Indias consumers, it is not possible to take into consideration one billion plus consumers in India, therefore we take a selected sample to represent this entire population which is 100 from Chennai, 100 from Delhi (i.e 200 from India on the whole), and 100 from Birmingham and 100 from London (i.e 200 from the United Kingdom). These 400 respondents are taken as sample population and their answers are expected to correspond to all the consumers of the two countries (United Kingdom and India) respectively. The sample population consisted of 200 respondents from India and 200 respondents from the United Kingdom. Out of the 200 respondents from India, 76 were male and 124 were female and out of the 200 respondents from the United Kingdom, 84 were male and 116 were female. The other data about age, monthly earnings, occupation etc are given under the section of empirical findings and data analysis. Data Collection Every research study needs primary and secondary data. Secondary data is collected from already established and published information which has been studied, researched and verified by someone else. The use of such data for research purpose gives certified information provided it has been taken from reliable and referenced sources. Secondary data is collected from already published studies, papers, theories, articles etc. This data might not be valid in todays times and circumstances due to the fact that it must have been published or verified during the time when circumstances and states were different in simple terms, the data might be outdated. Therefore, it is important to verify if the secondary data collected is valid. It is advisable to use secondary data collected is valid. It is advisable to use secondary data for research which is well referenced and uses valid and checkable data. For this research study, books, journals, magazines and electronic databases have been used which are verifiable and authentic. Primary data was collected through the usage of questionnaire as explained under the sampling section. The primary data collected was statistically analyzed using statistical formulae and methods. The data used in this study from other studies, papers, theories, articles etc are referenced well so that the question of plagiarism does not arise. These data are used under the literature review section and they are reviewed and explained and discussed. Sampling Methods The non-probability convenience sample method was used for the purpose of this research study. The short-comings of time and resources are not a problem in the case of this method of sampling. Non probability sampling does not involve random sampling and therefore it might not represent the population well. But this does not have to be true in all cases though it depends upon the study area also. Convenience sampling is also referred to as haphazard sampling or accidental sampling and is named so because it is convenient for the researcher and easy to use. It might not be a good representative of the population but it is a good representative in case of a homogeneous sample population. Only a selective number of consumers are considered in this study who are taken and considered as representatives of the entire population (consumers of organic fruits and vegetables in this case) for the study and research purpose. The probability sampling method proves to be more expensive and time c onsuming, which are only two of the many short comings in that case. For primary data collection, the questionnaires prepared for the purpose of this research are e-mailed to 200 people in United Kingdom and 200 in India. Another 400 were distributed in supermarkets (200 in India and 200 in UK). More number of questionnaires were sent through e-mail but due to software and document problems, they were not considered for the study. Many people who wanted to participate in this questionnaire session were unfortunately not able to do so due to time constraints. Finally 400 respondents answered the questionnaires which were used for the purpose of this research work. Questionnaire Design The questionnaire consisted of 15 questions which had multiple choice of answers each. Each respondent had to select one out of the given answers with respect to each question. The four answers for each question were related to the same aspect but there might not be any relation to the other questions answers. This is because a variety of questions regarding the consumer behavior and attitudes towards organic fruits and vegetables were considered. The first few questions were about personal details and background such as occupation, monthly earning, educational qualification etc which were followed by questions regarding organic fruits and vegetables and their opinions towards it. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A theoretical framework basically lays down the guidelines for the research work. The concepts, theories, cases, models etc used for the presentation of the research are basically explained for understanding the study being carried out. In this dissertation, a few theories and models will be reviewed and discussed. Consumer Behaviour Consumer behaviour is a very widely studied subject in the field of marketing. Without consumers, it is very difficult for businesses of any sort to function normally. Consumers are the raison-d-etre for a business mere existence. The business may be based on profit or it might also be a non-profit organization. The field of consumer behaviour is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use and dispose of products, services, experiences or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society. Consumer behaviour mainly sheds light on how consumers decide to spend their various resources like time, money etc on various products so as to meet their needs and requirements. Consumer behaviour encompasses study of what, when, why and where the consumers will buy their products. It also focuses on how often the consumers use the products. Furthermore, it also sheds light on how the consumers evaluate the products after the purchase and the effect of evaluations on their future purchases. From the marketing point of view, it is very important to understand the consumer well and to attend to their needs, wants and demands to be successful. A consumer is the centre of attention in case of most marketing techniques; after all, it is the consumers a business needs to run. In the case of organic fruits and vegetables, a consumer might decide to buy it for its benefits on health or the environment or maybe because of the advertising for it is good. There are various factors that affect the consumer decision making process which is also discussed further. Models of Consumer Choice: The Cognitive model: When consumers make an important purchase for the first time, they may reflect on alternatives and discuss pros and cons with others with the intention of securing benefits and avoiding costs. This model is sometimes called the extended-problem solving model. (East, Wright and Vanhuele, 2008) The Reinforcement Model: Choice is controlled by factors in the environment that reward and facilitate some alternatives more than others. Managerial control is achieved by changing the consumers situation. However, what is rewarding to some persons may not be so to others and this limits influence. (East, Wright and Vanhuele , 2008) The habit model: Choice is controlled by managing stimuli (brand name, logo, pack features, etc) that have become associated with a product as a result of past purchases. Sometimes this is called stimulus control. (East, Wright and Vanhuele, 2008) Consumer Behaviour models: The purpose of consumer behaviour models is to provide description, explanation and prediction of purchase behaviour. At the same time the models provide a conceptual framework and so help researchers to set up and test new ideas so as to give even better explanations and predictions of behaviour. On the positive side, these models do help to organize research results and to demonstrate the complexity of decision processes involved in even a simple purchase, such as a can of soup in the local supermarket. On the negative side most of the models can be criticized as providing no more than a description of a range of influencing variables. There are four main clusters of factors that have an effect on purchase behaviour. They are political, economic and technical; cultural and social; psychological; and marketing influences. (Bareham, 1995) Theories make it easier to understand a concept as they outline causes and effects that are possible and what to anticipate provided the input (the happening circumstance) is given. In most cases, it is easy to analyze whether practical situations are normal and acceptable with the help of proven time tested theories. Marketing segmentation The market is divided into different groups or segments based on their needs, tastes, income, and a lot of other criteria. Marketing segmentation is based on a lot of research and important factors to suit the needs and purposes. Some of the marketing segmentation is as follows: Geographic segmentation: This involves segmenting the market by location on the assumption that people living in one location will have similar needs, wants and preferences and these will differ significantly from people living in other locations. There are some obvious limits to this assumption. People all over the world drink Coca-cola and buy Japanese electronic goods for instance. When you think about it from the viewpoint of the consumer, most buying behaviour is actually local. Localized consumer behaviour is often expressed through the presence of a significantly large cultural or sub cultural group that is different from the main stream. There are also geographically based differences between consumers for reasons that are more complex or obscure. It is not immediately obvious why some sections of consumers have different behaviour than the other sections. But knowing that, they will do, can be important to the marketing strategy. Demographic segmentation: Demographic segmentation deals with the many ways if statistically categorizing all the people in a national population. For example, a national population can be divided into subgroups based on age, sex, income, education, occupation, social class, family size, race and religion. In a sense, there are also different ways of looking at the same individual consumer, because of course we belong to each of these groups. Different aspects of our identity will be relevant to different products at different times. Baby foods can only be marketed to parents of young children, for example and a middle-class, middle aged, middle income, middle manager is more likely to be in the market for an exercise bike than a motor bike. Some of the important specifics of demographic segmentation are Age: Age is perhaps the most frequently used demographic variable in marketing segmentation. One reason for this is that the lifecycle has been divided up by society into what seem to be easily recognizable groups that are clearly differentiated from one another- infants, children, teenagers, young adults and so on. Sex: Dividing the market into male and female segments is another frequently used strategy. But even here, the old marketing certainties are breaking down. It used to be a safe bet for marketers to target do-it-yourself products exclusively at men and supermarket shopping at women. But with the larger increase in single occupant hose-holds and one parent families (most of them female), many more women are buying things that men would do if they were in a family. In addition, more women than men buy for other consumers. Socio-economic status: A persons socio economic status is determined by education, income and occupation. Though there are many exceptions of course, these are three factors often in alignment. More highly educated people tend to do managerial and professional jobs that bring a relatively high income, and vice-versa. For obvious reasons most marketers are more interested in people with high socio economic status rather than low. Income is often considered the most important variable in this case because it is so easy to quantify and because it dictates entry to certain markets. But income by itself can be very misleading. Psychological segmentation: The attempt to come up with a practical form of consumer profile has concentrated on three areas of behaviour: activities, interests, and opinions. Segmentation by usage: This form of segmentation is based on information about volume and frequency of purchase for a given product. It is a popular way of segmentation of markets because there is a lot of readily available information about patterns of usage for most goods and services. In fact, with so many transactions now electronically recorded, a great deal more of data is available than is actually used. Perhaps the most familiar usage data is provided by the electronic point of sale (EPOS) used by supermarket checkouts. Not only are all the purchased items listed, together with their prices, but so is the date and exact time of purchase and the method of payment used. Segmentation by benefit: This form of market segmentation is based on knowledge of the benefits that consumers seek from that particular product. The task of the marketer is to include the appropriate characteristics- or the impression of them in the design of particular goods or services. In a sense this kind of segmentation is at the entire marketing concept find out what people want and provide it for them. Segmentation is very important for a firm or an industry to market its products strategically and for it to be a success. In the case of organic fuits and vegetables, it comes under the category of food which is a basic necessity and therefore would appeal to and include a lot many segments in the markets. In this research study we are considering only the United Kingdom and India. So geographically these two countries are covered. Demographically the middle aged and the older people will be targeted age wise, both sexes, and the middle class and upper class levels will be targeted according to the socio economic status segmentation. Since the middle aged and older people usually are the ones who go shopping for fruits and vegetables, they are targeted age wise, both men and women shop for it, and when it comes to socio economic status, the middle and the upper income groups are targeted as organic fruits and vegetables are more expensive than conventional fruits and vegetables. Many shoppers especially in India will give up the idea of buying food when it comes to the price factor that is not acceptable for them. That is the reason why the middle and upper income groups are aimed at here. Most people both in India and United Kingdom consume fruits and vegetables everyday. In India, no meal is complete without fruits or vegetables and in the United Kingdom, people are encouraged to consume fruits and vegetables everyday with the healthy 5 a day concept though it is already a staple portion of a healthy meal. These segments are most suitable for being aimed at for marketing of organic fruits and vegetables and therefore they are the target segments. Decision making process There exist a number of factors which affect the consumer decision making process. Each of the factors has many sub-factors. Communication Situation The situation in which the consumer receives information about a product or service influences the buying decision of the consumer. For example, in the case of organic fruits and vegetables, an advertisement speaking about the bad impacts of the chemicals used in conventional foods right when the buyer is suffering from food poisoning might influence the consumer to buy food that is healthier and does not involve the usage of chemicals responsible for food poisoning and therefore influence the consumer to go in for purchase of organic fruits and vegetables in future. Purchase situation: The situation involved while a consumer is out to purchase will influence the buying process of the consumer. For example, a very health conscious friend is out with a consumer shopping for food, the friends suggestions of low cholesterol, high fiber food items will influence the consumer to buy healthier food products. Situations like when the consumer is very hungry and shopping for food might make the consumer end up purchasing food items that the consumer might have a craving for right then. Usage situation: Marketers need to understand the usage situations for which the products are meant. Using this knowledge, marketers can communicate how their products create consumer satisfaction in each relevant usage situation. For example, a recent study found that consuming 1.5 cup servings of oat based cereal a day could lower cholesterol. To increase sales, a Cheerios ad depicted the advantages of it. Disposition Situation Some consumers consider the case of disposition an important attribute towards the buying decision process. For example, if there was a rule stating that all the particular products from a household should only be disposed off at a particular point for a locality which is open only for a fixed time in the weekends, or they would be fined heavily, there would be a large decrease in the sales of that product. Situational characteristics Physical surroundings such as dà ©cor, sounds, aromas, lighting, weather and configurations of merchandise or other materials surrounding the stimulus object influences the buyer. Also, social surroundings, temporal perspectives, task definition And antecedent states influence the buyer decision making process. The marketer should influence these factors as largely as possible to influence the buyer in a favorable way to appeal to the customers. How decisions are made by people: The obvious point about decisions worth spelling out is that we are constantly making them. Form the moment we get up in the morning we are faced with deciding what to wear and what to have for breakfast and we make decisions throughout the rest of the day. Indeed we normally make so many decisions in the course of the day, every day, that only rarely do we realize that in fact we are making a decision. Decisions are just part of the business of living our lives, and are taken for granted. Rationality: Rationality is what you and I would like to think we use when making a decision. Moreover, we like to believe we are rational in both the psychological and the economic senses of the world. Psychologically, we make objective, dispassionate choices that are not influenced by prejudice or other irrational influences. Economically, we find out all the information there is on each of the alternatives, assess the advantages and disadvantages of each, and then choose the best one on the basis of a cost-benefit analysis. Most decisions are made in a state of incomplete information. Heuristics: A heuristic is simply a procedure or method or strategy for solving a problem or making a decision. It is similar to an algorithm, a procedure widely used in science, except that and algorithm is guaranteed to find the solution, or the best solution, whereas a heuristic is not. Perhaps, then it would be better for us to think of a heuristic as a rule-of-thumb. That is, a heuristic may be a good place to start if faced with a decision and it may provide a reasonable guide in the search for a solution, but no more than that. A heuristic may therefore be helpful, but it might also lead us totally astray. The reason we need heuristics when making decisions is simply that the world we live in turns us into misers-cognitive misers. Three forms of heuristic that psychologists have identified in the way people make decision: the representative heuristic, the attitude heuristic and the availability heuristic. Every step taken by anyone would require a decision to be made be it whether to put your right foot forward or your left, to eat spinach or a burger and so on. Some are taken with our conscious effort and some with our sub-conscious mind. When it comes to purchasing organic fruits and vegetables, a number of decisions need to be taken. For that matter the purchase making decision of any product is made based on several factors. For example, in the case of buying organic food, a consumer might think if he really needs to shell out 10% extra for a kg of organic onions or whether he is really doing himself any good by consuming organic potatoes. Questions such as these are answered in a heuristic pattern which leads to the purchase of organic fruits and vegetables or otherwise. Attitudes: The study of attitudes is one of the most intensively researched areas of psychology. Although there are over 100 different definitions of the term, a widely accepted definition of attitude would be: A stable, long lasting, learned predisposition to respond to certain things in a certain way. The concept has a cognitive (belief) aspect, an affective (feeling) aspect, and a conative (action) aspect. Characteristics and components of attitudes: Like a proprietary pain killer, attitudes contain not one, not two, but three active ingredients which are the cognitive component, the affective component, and the conative component. The cognitive component is mainly concerned with a consumers opinions about the products properties, for example whether it is crunchy, chewy, whether the price is reasonable, or whether the packaging is informative. The affective component deals with the consumers feelings about the products properties, for example if it is appealing or if it is un-appealing, is it liked or disliked? The conative component relates to the consumers likely behaviour in relation to the product. Sources of attitudes: The three main sources of attitudes are family, peers, and direct experience. Attitudes and behaviour: The commonsense notion that knowing someones attitudes towards a product will inform you of the likelihood of their buying it is quite a useful rule-of-thumbfor practical purposes. It is certainly A Comparative Study of Consumer Behaviour A Comparative Study of Consumer Behaviour ABSTRACT: Consumer Behavior is an aspect that is given a lot of importance in the globe of marketing. A lot of products have been a sensation or a breakdown due to inappropriate analysis of consumer behaviour and motivation. Food is a basic requirement for all livelihoods and everybody who earns spends money on food without any second thought. To live we need to eat and therefore food is tremendously important in all our lives. Todays consumers are becoming increasingly displeased with GM (Genetically Modified) and conventional fruits and vegetables and therefore are stirring towards organic fruits and vegetables. Many consumers are going organic not only in the case of fruits and vegetables but also regarding skincare, beauty products, paper and also clothing! Organic fruits and vegetables are not only said to be healthier due to ethical ways of production which do not use man-made chemicals and unnecessary preservatives as opposed to conventional food. It is also said to be eco-friendly beca use of environment cognizant methods which are used for the production of organic food. The advantages of organic fruits and vegetables are more whereas the disadvantages (such as price premium) are negligible when compared to its better side. Regular buyers of organic fruits and vegetables are willing to overlook these minor disadvantages which are negligible when compared to its disadvantages. In this research work, the consumer behaviour in the United Kingdom regarding organic fruits and vegetables is studied and compared with that in India. The factors (such as consumer expectations, beliefs, criteria, concerns, quality, awareness etc) that affect marketing of organic fruits and vegetables in UK and India are also studied with relevance to consumer behaviour. INTRODUCTION: Background This research work revolves around the consumer behaviour and attitudes towards organic fruits and vegetables in the United Kingdom and in India. A brief introduction will be given on consumer behavior and how important it is in the field of marketing. Secondly, a deeper understanding of the term organic will be given. Many theories and aspects related to organic fruits and vegetables will be discussed and reviewed as well in this dissertation. A number of consumers of organic and conventional food are consulted to get their views and opinions about organic fruits and vegetables. Not everyones attitudes towards organic fruits and vegetables seem to be the same, therefore the application of certain statistics methods help us in further understanding the relation and patterns in the consumer behavior patterns and trends in organic fruits and vegetables in the two countries. This study helps understand how the consumers in UK and in India differ from each other and also help understand the ways they are similar in. On the whole, the differences and similarities between the consumers of organic fruits and vegetables in the two countries are studied. To get this information, many respondents were asked to answer questionnaires regarding this topic and these answers were analysed using statistics. In the end these are discussed and limitations and conclusions are given and suggested. Research Questions: How does the consumer behavior towards organic fruits and vegetables vary between India and UK? In what ways do consumers in the two countries expect the food to be different from convenience foods? What are the popular beliefs among consumers about organic fruits and vegetables? When will India accept organic fruits and vegetables widely, the way UK has? What makes organic fruits and vegetables to be preferred more than convenience fruits and vegetables? Why is there a variance between the preference rate and sales of organic fruits and vegetables in both India and UK? What are the factors owing to this? General Aim The aim of this study is to find the consumer behavior and attitudes towards consumption of organic fruits and vegetables in the UK and India. The elements and factors (health factors, eco-friendliness, ethics, taste, quality, safety standards etc) influencing the consumers decision making are also studied. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: Introduction This section talks about the methodology used for this piece of research work. Methodologies vary from research work to work due to the difference in subjects, areas and study view. What methodology is used for one research purpose may not be suitable or applicable to another. Sometimes it might not be possible for a researcher to sit and observe all that he is researching. To collect primary data for this research study, survey research approach has been used. The non probability convenience sampling method has been used for this research primary data collection method. Therefore, the method of preparing a set of questions and selecting a group of people to get to answer them and studying these answers based on an already set theory or patterns, is common and a lot many researchers today are using this form of methodology. Application of statistics to these answers helps analyze and understand the trends, patterns and fashion that the study has proved using this method. â€Å"Potte r (1996, 2002) has roundly criticized researchers who use his own approach (discourse analysis) for depending too much on interview data and has argued for a greater use of naturally occurring data.† This section deals with the methodology used for this study and the course of action taken to complete the research study for the purpose of this dissertation. Purpose of this Research The obvious purpose of this research is to study the consumer behavior towards organic fruits and vegetables in India and in United Kingdom and to compare the two. While conducting the study, the marketing flaws and strengths of it, customers attitudes towards organic fruits and vegetables in the two countries will be studied. The attitudes of customers towards organic fruits and vegetables will be studied and explored. It is important to identify the determinants of the success and failure of organic fruits and vegetables industry in India and the United Kingdom. The consumers of organic fruits and vegetables in India and the United Kingdom might differ a lot in their way of behavior as considered in the marketing field and their attitudes towards it might not be the same or might be the same. This research will help in understanding the consumer behavior towards organic fruits and vegetables in the two countries by conducting a comparative study of the consumer behaviors from the t wo countries. Research Questions How do the attitudes of Indian consumers differ from that of the British with respect to organic fruits and vegetables? The above given question is the main aim and the biggest question for this study and research work. There are of course many sub questions as well which will also be researched in the course of this study. The question speaks about finding out the attitude differences in the two countrys consumer behaviour but the study might also prove the similarities in the two countrys consumer behaviour patterns towards organic fruits and vegetables. Instrument This research work is conducted on a survey of consumers and non-consumers of organic fruits and vegetables in India and in the United Kingdom. The study (survey) questionnaire was distributed to customers of local supermarkets which sell both organic and conventional fruits and vegetables in India (Chennai and Delhi) and in the United Kingdom (London and Birmingham). The questionnaire included a brief note about the study being conducted and a variety of questions regarding the area of research. The questionnaire included a brief note about the study being conducted and a variety of questions regarding the area of research. The questionnaires were handed out in person by the student conducting the study and her friends outside supermarkets selling organic fruits and vegetables in India and in the United Kingdom. The questionnaire had 15 questions which took not more than 5 minutes to answer. Most respondents were happy to help out and were interested in the subject of organic food. Population The questionnaires were distributed in person to organic food consumers and non-consumers. It took a period of over (18 days in India to get respondents to answer the questionnaires and 22 days in the United Kingdom to get the respondents to answer the questionnaires related to organic fruits and vegetables). Sample While conducting a research study, it is not possible to take into consideration the whole population. For example when studying Indias consumers, it is not possible to take into consideration one billion plus consumers in India, therefore we take a selected sample to represent this entire population which is 100 from Chennai, 100 from Delhi (i.e 200 from India on the whole), and 100 from Birmingham and 100 from London (i.e 200 from the United Kingdom). These 400 respondents are taken as sample population and their answers are expected to correspond to all the consumers of the two countries (United Kingdom and India) respectively. The sample population consisted of 200 respondents from India and 200 respondents from the United Kingdom. Out of the 200 respondents from India, 76 were male and 124 were female and out of the 200 respondents from the United Kingdom, 84 were male and 116 were female. The other data about age, monthly earnings, occupation etc are given under the section of empirical findings and data analysis. Data Collection Every research study needs primary and secondary data. Secondary data is collected from already established and published information which has been studied, researched and verified by someone else. The use of such data for research purpose gives certified information provided it has been taken from reliable and referenced sources. Secondary data is collected from already published studies, papers, theories, articles etc. This data might not be valid in todays times and circumstances due to the fact that it must have been published or verified during the time when circumstances and states were different in simple terms, the data might be outdated. Therefore, it is important to verify if the secondary data collected is valid. It is advisable to use secondary data collected is valid. It is advisable to use secondary data for research which is well referenced and uses valid and checkable data. For this research study, books, journals, magazines and electronic databases have been used which are verifiable and authentic. Primary data was collected through the usage of questionnaire as explained under the sampling section. The primary data collected was statistically analyzed using statistical formulae and methods. The data used in this study from other studies, papers, theories, articles etc are referenced well so that the question of plagiarism does not arise. These data are used under the literature review section and they are reviewed and explained and discussed. Sampling Methods The non-probability convenience sample method was used for the purpose of this research study. The short-comings of time and resources are not a problem in the case of this method of sampling. Non probability sampling does not involve random sampling and therefore it might not represent the population well. But this does not have to be true in all cases though it depends upon the study area also. Convenience sampling is also referred to as haphazard sampling or accidental sampling and is named so because it is convenient for the researcher and easy to use. It might not be a good representative of the population but it is a good representative in case of a homogeneous sample population. Only a selective number of consumers are considered in this study who are taken and considered as representatives of the entire population (consumers of organic fruits and vegetables in this case) for the study and research purpose. The probability sampling method proves to be more expensive and time c onsuming, which are only two of the many short comings in that case. For primary data collection, the questionnaires prepared for the purpose of this research are e-mailed to 200 people in United Kingdom and 200 in India. Another 400 were distributed in supermarkets (200 in India and 200 in UK). More number of questionnaires were sent through e-mail but due to software and document problems, they were not considered for the study. Many people who wanted to participate in this questionnaire session were unfortunately not able to do so due to time constraints. Finally 400 respondents answered the questionnaires which were used for the purpose of this research work. Questionnaire Design The questionnaire consisted of 15 questions which had multiple choice of answers each. Each respondent had to select one out of the given answers with respect to each question. The four answers for each question were related to the same aspect but there might not be any relation to the other questions answers. This is because a variety of questions regarding the consumer behavior and attitudes towards organic fruits and vegetables were considered. The first few questions were about personal details and background such as occupation, monthly earning, educational qualification etc which were followed by questions regarding organic fruits and vegetables and their opinions towards it. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A theoretical framework basically lays down the guidelines for the research work. The concepts, theories, cases, models etc used for the presentation of the research are basically explained for understanding the study being carried out. In this dissertation, a few theories and models will be reviewed and discussed. Consumer Behaviour Consumer behaviour is a very widely studied subject in the field of marketing. Without consumers, it is very difficult for businesses of any sort to function normally. Consumers are the raison-d-etre for a business mere existence. The business may be based on profit or it might also be a non-profit organization. The field of consumer behaviour is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use and dispose of products, services, experiences or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society. Consumer behaviour mainly sheds light on how consumers decide to spend their various resources like time, money etc on various products so as to meet their needs and requirements. Consumer behaviour encompasses study of what, when, why and where the consumers will buy their products. It also focuses on how often the consumers use the products. Furthermore, it also sheds light on how the consumers evaluate the products after the purchase and the effect of evaluations on their future purchases. From the marketing point of view, it is very important to understand the consumer well and to attend to their needs, wants and demands to be successful. A consumer is the centre of attention in case of most marketing techniques; after all, it is the consumers a business needs to run. In the case of organic fruits and vegetables, a consumer might decide to buy it for its benefits on health or the environment or maybe because of the advertising for it is good. There are various factors that affect the consumer decision making process which is also discussed further. Models of Consumer Choice: The Cognitive model: When consumers make an important purchase for the first time, they may reflect on alternatives and discuss pros and cons with others with the intention of securing benefits and avoiding costs. This model is sometimes called the extended-problem solving model. (East, Wright and Vanhuele, 2008) The Reinforcement Model: Choice is controlled by factors in the environment that reward and facilitate some alternatives more than others. Managerial control is achieved by changing the consumers situation. However, what is rewarding to some persons may not be so to others and this limits influence. (East, Wright and Vanhuele , 2008) The habit model: Choice is controlled by managing stimuli (brand name, logo, pack features, etc) that have become associated with a product as a result of past purchases. Sometimes this is called stimulus control. (East, Wright and Vanhuele, 2008) Consumer Behaviour models: The purpose of consumer behaviour models is to provide description, explanation and prediction of purchase behaviour. At the same time the models provide a conceptual framework and so help researchers to set up and test new ideas so as to give even better explanations and predictions of behaviour. On the positive side, these models do help to organize research results and to demonstrate the complexity of decision processes involved in even a simple purchase, such as a can of soup in the local supermarket. On the negative side most of the models can be criticized as providing no more than a description of a range of influencing variables. There are four main clusters of factors that have an effect on purchase behaviour. They are political, economic and technical; cultural and social; psychological; and marketing influences. (Bareham, 1995) Theories make it easier to understand a concept as they outline causes and effects that are possible and what to anticipate provided the input (the happening circumstance) is given. In most cases, it is easy to analyze whether practical situations are normal and acceptable with the help of proven time tested theories. Marketing segmentation The market is divided into different groups or segments based on their needs, tastes, income, and a lot of other criteria. Marketing segmentation is based on a lot of research and important factors to suit the needs and purposes. Some of the marketing segmentation is as follows: Geographic segmentation: This involves segmenting the market by location on the assumption that people living in one location will have similar needs, wants and preferences and these will differ significantly from people living in other locations. There are some obvious limits to this assumption. People all over the world drink Coca-cola and buy Japanese electronic goods for instance. When you think about it from the viewpoint of the consumer, most buying behaviour is actually local. Localized consumer behaviour is often expressed through the presence of a significantly large cultural or sub cultural group that is different from the main stream. There are also geographically based differences between consumers for reasons that are more complex or obscure. It is not immediately obvious why some sections of consumers have different behaviour than the other sections. But knowing that, they will do, can be important to the marketing strategy. Demographic segmentation: Demographic segmentation deals with the many ways if statistically categorizing all the people in a national population. For example, a national population can be divided into subgroups based on age, sex, income, education, occupation, social class, family size, race and religion. In a sense, there are also different ways of looking at the same individual consumer, because of course we belong to each of these groups. Different aspects of our identity will be relevant to different products at different times. Baby foods can only be marketed to parents of young children, for example and a middle-class, middle aged, middle income, middle manager is more likely to be in the market for an exercise bike than a motor bike. Some of the important specifics of demographic segmentation are Age: Age is perhaps the most frequently used demographic variable in marketing segmentation. One reason for this is that the lifecycle has been divided up by society into what seem to be easily recognizable groups that are clearly differentiated from one another- infants, children, teenagers, young adults and so on. Sex: Dividing the market into male and female segments is another frequently used strategy. But even here, the old marketing certainties are breaking down. It used to be a safe bet for marketers to target do-it-yourself products exclusively at men and supermarket shopping at women. But with the larger increase in single occupant hose-holds and one parent families (most of them female), many more women are buying things that men would do if they were in a family. In addition, more women than men buy for other consumers. Socio-economic status: A persons socio economic status is determined by education, income and occupation. Though there are many exceptions of course, these are three factors often in alignment. More highly educated people tend to do managerial and professional jobs that bring a relatively high income, and vice-versa. For obvious reasons most marketers are more interested in people with high socio economic status rather than low. Income is often considered the most important variable in this case because it is so easy to quantify and because it dictates entry to certain markets. But income by itself can be very misleading. Psychological segmentation: The attempt to come up with a practical form of consumer profile has concentrated on three areas of behaviour: activities, interests, and opinions. Segmentation by usage: This form of segmentation is based on information about volume and frequency of purchase for a given product. It is a popular way of segmentation of markets because there is a lot of readily available information about patterns of usage for most goods and services. In fact, with so many transactions now electronically recorded, a great deal more of data is available than is actually used. Perhaps the most familiar usage data is provided by the electronic point of sale (EPOS) used by supermarket checkouts. Not only are all the purchased items listed, together with their prices, but so is the date and exact time of purchase and the method of payment used. Segmentation by benefit: This form of market segmentation is based on knowledge of the benefits that consumers seek from that particular product. The task of the marketer is to include the appropriate characteristics- or the impression of them in the design of particular goods or services. In a sense this kind of segmentation is at the entire marketing concept find out what people want and provide it for them. Segmentation is very important for a firm or an industry to market its products strategically and for it to be a success. In the case of organic fuits and vegetables, it comes under the category of food which is a basic necessity and therefore would appeal to and include a lot many segments in the markets. In this research study we are considering only the United Kingdom and India. So geographically these two countries are covered. Demographically the middle aged and the older people will be targeted age wise, both sexes, and the middle class and upper class levels will be targeted according to the socio economic status segmentation. Since the middle aged and older people usually are the ones who go shopping for fruits and vegetables, they are targeted age wise, both men and women shop for it, and when it comes to socio economic status, the middle and the upper income groups are targeted as organic fruits and vegetables are more expensive than conventional fruits and vegetables. Many shoppers especially in India will give up the idea of buying food when it comes to the price factor that is not acceptable for them. That is the reason why the middle and upper income groups are aimed at here. Most people both in India and United Kingdom consume fruits and vegetables everyday. In India, no meal is complete without fruits or vegetables and in the United Kingdom, people are encouraged to consume fruits and vegetables everyday with the healthy 5 a day concept though it is already a staple portion of a healthy meal. These segments are most suitable for being aimed at for marketing of organic fruits and vegetables and therefore they are the target segments. Decision making process There exist a number of factors which affect the consumer decision making process. Each of the factors has many sub-factors. Communication Situation The situation in which the consumer receives information about a product or service influences the buying decision of the consumer. For example, in the case of organic fruits and vegetables, an advertisement speaking about the bad impacts of the chemicals used in conventional foods right when the buyer is suffering from food poisoning might influence the consumer to buy food that is healthier and does not involve the usage of chemicals responsible for food poisoning and therefore influence the consumer to go in for purchase of organic fruits and vegetables in future. Purchase situation: The situation involved while a consumer is out to purchase will influence the buying process of the consumer. For example, a very health conscious friend is out with a consumer shopping for food, the friends suggestions of low cholesterol, high fiber food items will influence the consumer to buy healthier food products. Situations like when the consumer is very hungry and shopping for food might make the consumer end up purchasing food items that the consumer might have a craving for right then. Usage situation: Marketers need to understand the usage situations for which the products are meant. Using this knowledge, marketers can communicate how their products create consumer satisfaction in each relevant usage situation. For example, a recent study found that consuming 1.5 cup servings of oat based cereal a day could lower cholesterol. To increase sales, a Cheerios ad depicted the advantages of it. Disposition Situation Some consumers consider the case of disposition an important attribute towards the buying decision process. For example, if there was a rule stating that all the particular products from a household should only be disposed off at a particular point for a locality which is open only for a fixed time in the weekends, or they would be fined heavily, there would be a large decrease in the sales of that product. Situational characteristics Physical surroundings such as dà ©cor, sounds, aromas, lighting, weather and configurations of merchandise or other materials surrounding the stimulus object influences the buyer. Also, social surroundings, temporal perspectives, task definition And antecedent states influence the buyer decision making process. The marketer should influence these factors as largely as possible to influence the buyer in a favorable way to appeal to the customers. How decisions are made by people: The obvious point about decisions worth spelling out is that we are constantly making them. Form the moment we get up in the morning we are faced with deciding what to wear and what to have for breakfast and we make decisions throughout the rest of the day. Indeed we normally make so many decisions in the course of the day, every day, that only rarely do we realize that in fact we are making a decision. Decisions are just part of the business of living our lives, and are taken for granted. Rationality: Rationality is what you and I would like to think we use when making a decision. Moreover, we like to believe we are rational in both the psychological and the economic senses of the world. Psychologically, we make objective, dispassionate choices that are not influenced by prejudice or other irrational influences. Economically, we find out all the information there is on each of the alternatives, assess the advantages and disadvantages of each, and then choose the best one on the basis of a cost-benefit analysis. Most decisions are made in a state of incomplete information. Heuristics: A heuristic is simply a procedure or method or strategy for solving a problem or making a decision. It is similar to an algorithm, a procedure widely used in science, except that and algorithm is guaranteed to find the solution, or the best solution, whereas a heuristic is not. Perhaps, then it would be better for us to think of a heuristic as a rule-of-thumb. That is, a heuristic may be a good place to start if faced with a decision and it may provide a reasonable guide in the search for a solution, but no more than that. A heuristic may therefore be helpful, but it might also lead us totally astray. The reason we need heuristics when making decisions is simply that the world we live in turns us into misers-cognitive misers. Three forms of heuristic that psychologists have identified in the way people make decision: the representative heuristic, the attitude heuristic and the availability heuristic. Every step taken by anyone would require a decision to be made be it whether to put your right foot forward or your left, to eat spinach or a burger and so on. Some are taken with our conscious effort and some with our sub-conscious mind. When it comes to purchasing organic fruits and vegetables, a number of decisions need to be taken. For that matter the purchase making decision of any product is made based on several factors. For example, in the case of buying organic food, a consumer might think if he really needs to shell out 10% extra for a kg of organic onions or whether he is really doing himself any good by consuming organic potatoes. Questions such as these are answered in a heuristic pattern which leads to the purchase of organic fruits and vegetables or otherwise. Attitudes: The study of attitudes is one of the most intensively researched areas of psychology. Although there are over 100 different definitions of the term, a widely accepted definition of attitude would be: A stable, long lasting, learned predisposition to respond to certain things in a certain way. The concept has a cognitive (belief) aspect, an affective (feeling) aspect, and a conative (action) aspect. Characteristics and components of attitudes: Like a proprietary pain killer, attitudes contain not one, not two, but three active ingredients which are the cognitive component, the affective component, and the conative component. The cognitive component is mainly concerned with a consumers opinions about the products properties, for example whether it is crunchy, chewy, whether the price is reasonable, or whether the packaging is informative. The affective component deals with the consumers feelings about the products properties, for example if it is appealing or if it is un-appealing, is it liked or disliked? The conative component relates to the consumers likely behaviour in relation to the product. Sources of attitudes: The three main sources of attitudes are family, peers, and direct experience. Attitudes and behaviour: The commonsense notion that knowing someones attitudes towards a product will inform you of the likelihood of their buying it is quite a useful rule-of-thumbfor practical purposes. It is certainly

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Essays -- Biography Biographies Bio

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart is perhaps the greatest musical genius who ever lived. Mozart 's full name is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Most people called him Mozart or Wolfgang. Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria, January 27, 1756. His father, Leopold, perhaps the greatest influence on Mozart's life, was the vice Kapellmeister (assistant choir director) to the Archbishop of Salzburg at the time of Mozart's birth. Mozart was actually christened as "Joannes Chrysotomus Wolfgangus Theophilus," but adopted the Latin term "Amadeus" as his name of choice. Mozart was one of seven children born to Leopold and Anna, however, only one other sibling survived.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  By the age of four it was evident that he possessed tremendous musical talent and music memory. His father, a master violinist and composer, decided to enroll young Wolfgang in harpsichord lessons. At age five Mozart was composing music and by age six he had mastered the keyboard. By his early teens, he had mastered the piano, violin, and harpsichord. He began composing minuets at the age of 5 and symphonies at age 9. In 1762, Mozart and his elder sister Maria Anna (best known as Nannerl) who was also a gifted keyboard player, were taken by their father on a short performing tour, of the courts at Vienna and Munich. Encouraged by their reception, they embarked the next year on a longer tour, including two weeks at Versailles, where the children enchanted Louis XV. In 1764 they arrived in London. Here Mozart wrote his first three symphonies, under the influence of Johann Christian Bach, youngest son of Johann Sebastian, who lived in the city. In Paris, Mozart publi shed his first works:four sonatas for clavier: with accompanying violin in 1764. After their return to Salzburg there followed three trips to Italy between 1769 and 1773.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In 1768 he composed his first opera, LA FINTA SEMPLICE, for Vienna; but conflicts prevented its performance, and it was first presented a year later at Salzburg. Mozart was a successful composer and violinist. He used the form of concerto (like the Symphony, in several section) to display the qualities of wind instruments, like the horn. His crowning achievements in concerto form, however, are for piano and orchestra - in all 25 works. Mozart's performances of his own piano concertos had much to do with the development of the instrument. In 1770, he began to ... ...him to ask Mozart to compose a Requiem Mass - a Mass for the Dead. But the nobleman wished to pass the music off as his own. Mozart agreed, not knowing the strangers true intention.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mozart may had died of a number of illnesses. The official diagnosis was miliary fever, but the truth is that the physicians who attended him were never quite sure what Mozart died of. He suffered from rheumatic pain, headaches, toothaches, skin eruptions, and lethargy. A common theory today is that Mozart died of uremia following chronic kidney disease. Regardless of the cause, Mozart became bedridden for the last two weeks of his life. He died at shortly after midnight on December 5th, 1791, aged thirty-five years, eleven months, and nine days. Bibliography Einstein, Alfred. Mozart, His Character, His Work. New York, 1962. Knepler, Georg. Wolfgang Amadà © Mozart. Cambridge, 1994. Landon, H.C. Robbins. 1791: Mozart's Last Year. New York, 1988. Steve Boerner. The Mozart Project, Revised December 20, 2000 ? . The Mozart Story, Mozart Addicts Home Page

Monday, November 11, 2019

Gloria Anzaldua

In the essay How to Tame a Wild Tongue from Borderlands/La Frontera, Gloria Anzaldua paints a moving portrait of the search for identity in a world that refuses to allow one. The physical borderland between the U. S. and Mexico helps create, but is also secondary to, the psychological â€Å"fence† that a person is put on when they are denied a culture and a place in society. Anzaldua talks about the dilemma she faced about her own language and how she represents herself through her chosen language, the confusion about their race, and what troubles she faced when teaching about Chicano literature.Anzaldua discusses her experiences growing up between many cultures. As a woman of many identities, she has suffered oppression because of whom and what she represents in an American culture that is threatened by anyone who is not of white color. When she talks about the several languages she had to speak to get by these barriers, she encountered most issues with those of Anglos. Anglo s were considered the England or English people.Anzaldua states, â€Å"On one side of us, we are constantly exposed to the Spanish of the Mexicans, on the other side we hear the Anglos’ [constant] clamoring so that we forget our language (454). She explicated the different ways Spanish people spoke, from standard Spanish to Chicano Spanish (in which consonants were dropped in some words or leave out initial syllables) to Tex-Mex (where words were English but with Spanish sounds). Anzaldua expressed it as a result of pressure on Spanish speakers to adapt to English.Another issue that Anzaldua points out was the Chicanas or Latinas having low estimation of their native language. Women felt uncomfortable speaking to their Latinas or Chicanas because throughout their whole lives they were absorb into the different native tongues from generations, what school taught them, or what the media demonstrated. But Anzaldua doesn’t want to contradict herself in that form. She take s pride in her language, before she does herself (451).When Anzaldua first taught high school English to Chicano students, she was on the verge of losing her job just because she wanted her students to read Chicano literature. But even before reading Mexican literature, she was always interested in the Mexican movies and music; but those Chicanos who were slightly Americanized, or as they say agringado Chicano, felt ashamed being caught listening to their music. There was also great difficulty in acknowledging that there is more than one way of being: people fear that which is different, even though its existence s the â€Å"other† is what defines them. The Mexicans would define themselves either as Raza when referring to Chicanos or tejanos when we are Chicanos from Texas. But it’s not enough to say you’re Hispanic to the Mexicans. If you were asked â€Å"what’s your ethnicity†, would you say you’re Hispanic: just to represent your culture or would you tell your true nationality? In finale, â€Å"yet the struggle of identities continues, the struggle of borers is our reality still,† says Anzaldua (456).

Friday, November 8, 2019

Ethno Political Violence Cause and Effect

Ethno Political Violence Cause and Effect The development of ethnopolitical situations usually depends on crises in political and/or economical spheres. Laurie Nathan considers violence as one of the most significant symptoms of crises, which happen within one state and may spread over the others, and admits that four structural conditions become crucial for both economical and political crises (Nathan 1).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Ethno Political Violence Cause and Effect specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More After I read the article The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, I clear up that the collaboration of structural, political, and economical forces have a certain contribution to ethnopolitical violence. First of all, such structural conditions like authoritarian rule and minorities’ exclusion from state governance may serve as a strong reason of violence and intra-state crisis. When oppressed minorities cannot accept the existed rules and conditio ns, they have to live under, they prefer to develop rebellions and prove their points of view by means of power and fights. Cultural identity and physical security are under a threat because of human demands and the ways, people demonstrate these demands. Laurie Nathan also underlines that weak states, which are not able to cope with and solve political and social conflicts, and the ideas of inequity and deprivation play an important role in the development of ethnopolitical violence and becomes an important cause of the crises. For many people, it turns out to be very difficult to distinguish the symptoms and the causes of political and economical crises; this is why it is better the article by Laurie Nathan is rather helpful for drawing insights about the political and economical factors of a crisis and violence. Ethnopolitical violence is one of the brightest symptoms of a crisis, and structural conditions of the state are the cause for violence and for crisis.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Peter Uvin tells that human fear is based on the development of the community they live in. The vast majority of people are not ready for the imposition of foreign policy because of lack of knowledge about strategic interests, and they make numerous attempts to separate from each other and find more powers to fight against the violence that comes from the other groups (Uvin 234). In spite of the fact that both authors do not pay enough attention to gender role in the development of crises, they both admit that this point is still crucial and deserves thorough analyses in future. These two readings under consideration help to comprehend that in order to create good governance, it is crucially important to follow certain conditions and rules. It is necessary to realize that crises cannot be overcome within a short period of time and by means of warfare only . Peaceful strategies, political stability, proper analysis of causes and symptoms of state crisis and violence, and desire to achieve peace between all parts of society – these are the major points, which have to be taken into account by those, who aim at solving economical and political problems and establishing peace and understanding between people. In case the analysis of causes and symptoms of violence and crisis takes place, proper idea of how to overcome crises and improve situation will be offered. Ethnopolitical conflicts as well as violence and crises may take various forms. Sometimes, these forms are hard to recognize, and analytics have to work out the programs, which are aimed at analyzing, solving, and preventing crises in both political and economical spheres. Nathan, Laurie. â€Å"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: The Structural Cause of Violence in Africa.† Track Two 10.2 (Aug. 2001). 15 Nov. 2009. Web.Advertising We will write a custom es say sample on Ethno Political Violence Cause and Effect specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Uvin, Peter. Aiding Violence: The Development Enterprise in Rwanda. West Hartford, Connecticut: Kumarian Press, 1998.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Hitler essays

Hitler essays On the twentieth of April in the year 1889, a day like all others, Alois Hitler and his wife Klara, which was his third, gave birth to Adolf Hitler. When Adolf was young, he was in a choir and he even actively went to church. Academically he was a good student, receiving good grades in his classes, but he failed German and Mathematics in his the last year. He did, however, achieve in Gym and Drawing class. At an age of 16, he dropped out of school to become either an artist or an architect. He moved to Vienna, Austria to attempt to get into the Academy of Arts. He failed every time he tried to join. He was somewhat skilled in drawing however the drawings lacked imagination, creativity, and originality. The Dean of this academy said that Adolf would never become a painter. This rejection led Adolf to a plunging downfall, for he couldnt apply to the school of architecture, due to a lack of a diploma. Many Historians say that if the Academy would have accepted him, the world m ight have not gone through the nightmare that it went through. Hitler was economically unable to maintain just by selling drawn pictures of famous landmarks on post cards. He read a paper, which gave him the ideas of blaming the Communists and the Jews for all the problems in the world. In the year 1913 he moved to Munich because he felt that the Germans were superior and were destined to rule the world. In 1914 when the Great War broke out, Hitler volunteered for the Imperial army of Germany. He was skilled in the martial arts, receiving many awards. However, when Germany lost the war and surrendered, Hitler was very enraged. He believed that the Jews and the Communists betrayed and sold out Germany. Germany was full of anarchy after the war. Many conflicting governments started to arise. Since Germany was in a depression, employment was limited. Hitler remained in the army and was assigned to jobs of meeting various groups of gove...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Postevent Nutrition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Postevent Nutrition - Essay Example A post-event meal should help to restore fluid and electrolyte losses, replenish glycogen stores and prevent low blood sugar (SMCA n.pag 2nd edition). Inappropriate food intake during post event can have serious implications on recovery. Post event meals are very important particularly for glycogen restoration. As it is a known factor that muscle glycogen is severely depleted for athletes, adequate recovery means that the muscles are rested, re-fueled, and ready to go again (Davis 2005). During an event the athlete encounters free radical attack and to overcome the free radical effects, it is important to take adequate antioxidants. Post event must also be the right time for replacing all those vitamins and minerals. These acts as co-factors in the body's enzyme complexes involved in the production of energy and vitamins which protect against free radical damage (SIS n. pag). The most critical factors that determine sports performance is the energy and hydration supply to the body. Similarly, after an event it is important to replace the lost energy and hydration. Athletes replace fluid and fuel by consuming both liquid and solid carbohydrate feeds.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Deconstruction paper on the book GUTS Coursework

Deconstruction paper on the book GUTS - Coursework Example n the book â€Å"Guts- Companies that Blow the Doors off Business-as-Usual† as an excellent source of leadership models and success stories, which can best illustrate the essential leadership strategies for the current business environment. Some organizations or individuals sometimes surpass our highest expectations when the way they manage downward spiral goes unusual, gutsy, and notably innovative. The post-9/11 success story of South West Airlines is an example for such a gutsy stance taken at the time of dramatic business downturn (Kevin & Freiberg 2004, p.11). In addition to theoretical aspects, such success stories with practical evidence have considerable impact on business world because they tend to force entrepreneurs to review their present strategies. The concept implied in this work is that though diverse workforce and elements are to be integrated with an organization, group objectives of the company is of primary importance; and at the same time, it is essential to notice if the workers are guided to the best effect of the organization with right motivation. Leadership with such sense of motivation ‘leading through words, inspiring through trust and empathy’ (Bennis 2009, p.159) - is not only needed for business organizations, but they are useful also for large scale non-profit organizations or voluntary service sectors. ‘Guts’ meets the required standard of a reference book that contains both conceptual and practical conviction on leadership to a new entrepreneur. Given below is the vision statement of the non-profit organization I would initiate in future. The organization will use all potential tools that fit with its core values in order to integrate essential socio-economic, ethnic, and cultural ideals so that the total program will meet the highest standard in all interpersonal relationship with its benefactors, stakeholders, volunteers, beneficiaries, and the public as a whole. According to Kouzes & Posner (2007, p.227), this